Once a customer books a reservation on your website, the reservation details are displayed on the Reservations page, and you receive a notification at the email address associated with your store. You can manage your booking activities, including detailed information about the reservations, payments, and customers on the Reservations page.

Here you can:
- search for the relevant reservation;
- sort the reservations according to the payment and creation dates;
- use advanced filters;
- change the view of the reservations to either calendar or list.
Note: Reservations, Customer, and Bookings are clickable links that display relevant detailed information.
Placing a Test Booking
Before managing real bookings, it’s important to ensure your store’s booking process works as expected. You can place a test booking for new projects, allowing you to validate system functionality without making actual purchases or using real customer data, ensuring everything is ready before processing live bookings.
To do so, click Place Test Booking on the Reservations page.
The booking appears on the Reservations page and you receive a notification to the email address linked to your store.

Tip: You can place multiple test bookings until a real booking is received, providing more flexibility during the testing phase. To do so, click Create Test Order on the upper-right side of the Reservations page.

Processing Reservations
Once the customer books a service, you can manage the reservations. You can monitor the payment status; if it is cash on delivery, cancel the booking, change the customer, and add a note to it.
You can also print and view the confirmation details from the single booking reservation page. To print the invoice or view the confirmation:
- Click the relevant reservation.
Tip: To see the detailed reservation information, hover over the order item. - Click the Dotted Menu on the top right and choose the corresponding option.
Note: You can only print the reservations in case the payment status is set, either Paid or Refunded.

Adding a Reservation Order Note
Notes, added to the booking, serve as a reminder or a comment for you or your team members related to the relevant reservation.
To add a note:
- Click the corresponding reservation.
- Go to Notes to enter your comments in the text field area.
- Click Send.
Tip: To delete or edit a note, click the Dotted Menu and choose the corresponding option.

Changing the Payment Status
Once the customer makes a booking, the payment status goes through distinct phases. Depending on customer activity, you can change the status at various stages. You can mark the booking as Paid, issue a partial or full refund for the booking services, or cancel the booking (see Order Payment Statuses).
When you change the order status, the customer receives an email or SMS notification. You can configure the notifications sent to your customers upon order placement and status changes in Settings > Notifications.
Refunding the Payment
You can make a refund for the booking if the payment status is set to Paid. To refund the payment:
- Click Refund in the top right corner of the reservation order page.
- Provide the information requested in the popup:
- Indicate the quantity of the products that are being refunded.
- Indicate the amount of adjustment refund and adjustment fee.
3. Click Refund.
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