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Collection Category Description Widget

Customer Success Team

Last updated on Sep 02, 2024

The Category Description widget is a component that you can place below a category name to inform readers about the direction of the respective category. This widget, by default, takes the value you have entered in the Description field in the Article Management > Categories section when creating or editing a category.

Adding a Category Name Widget

To add a Category Description widget:

  1. Go to the Visual Editor by clicking Design on the Dashboard top panel or by navigating from Dashboard > Channels > Design.
  2. Navigate to the Collection Category page.

3. Go to the Widgets list on the Visual Editor Left Panel.

4. Type the widget name in the search bar, or expand the Collections grouping to access the Category Description widget.

5. Drag and drop the widget onto the Layout Canvas.
Upon dropping the widget on the Layout Canvas, it is displayed with the default styling, which you can later customize per your needs.

Configuring the Category Description Widget

To design the appearance and behavior of the Category Description widget, activate the Property Panel of the widget by clicking it to access the widget Styles and Settings.

  1. Go to the widget Styles to make the required configuration of general styling features (see Global Styles) to achieve the desired visual and functional outcomes.
  2. Go to Settings and expand Visibility to modify the widget visibility on your website. Select who can view the widget according to the customer's location, session status, used device type, browser, language preference, etc. (see Visibility Settings).


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