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Appointment Product

Customer Success Team

Last updated on Oct 02, 2024

An Appointment Product is a type of service that requires scheduling a particular time for a personalized interaction or service. This could include medical consultations, spa treatments, tutoring sessions, or any other activity that requires individuals to book appointments in advance to receive a personalized experience. You add products from the Dashboard and navigate to the Visual Editor > Page > Ecommerce > Appointment Product template to modify the single product layout page. The template page includes all the product-related widgets.

Creating an Appointment Product

To create an Appointment Product:

  1. Go to Commerce > Products on the Dashboard.
  2. Click + New Product.
  3. Select the corresponding product type (see Product Types).
  4. Provide the requested information in the Details section:
  • Indicate the product name displayed to the customers in the public mode. When you enter the name of a product, the system automatically generates its SKU, SEO Page Title, and Product URL. You also have the option to modify these details if required.
  • Modify the Stock Keeping Unit (SKU), the unique alphanumeric code assigned to each product.
  • Enter a detailed product description displayed to customers or click Generate with AI.
    Note: The text is generated based on the title and keywords provided in the description field.
  • Select the product category, if necessary. You can choose from the list or create a new category (see Categories). To do so, enter the category name in the Category field and click New Category displayed below the field.

Note: To set a category as default, click on the star icon located next to that category. The name of the default category is reflected in the product URL.

  • You can choose a product brand, if necessary, either select an existing one or create a new one (see Fields). Enter the brand name into the field and click the Create new attribute option displayed below the field.
  • Indicate the product Base Price.
  • Indicate the product Compared Price. The compared price refers to the regular price of the product used as a reference to highlight the price reduction.
  • Indicate the Cost at which you produced, purchased, or obtained the product before any additional expenses or profit margins were added. It serves as the basis for calculating profits and determining the selling price of an item.
  • Activate/deactivate Product Visibility to display/hide the corresponding product in the public mode.

Note: The hidden product is not visible on the category page and in the product list. But it is visible when accessed through the URL generated in the SEO section.

5. Add product images to the Media section:

  • Click + Upload and select the corresponding image from the computer.
  • Click the settings icon on the image, enter the image title, description, and ALT name in the popup that opens, then click Save.


  • To make the product image default, tick the star icon on the image. The default image is displayed first on your product page. If no image is set as default, the first uploaded image will be displayed instead.
  • To reorder the images, click and hold the uploaded image, then move it to the desired position. The images will be displayed in the same order in public mode.
  • To remove the image, click the delete icon.

6. Provide Booking Info fields:

  • Indicate the service location.
  • Indicate the availability days, whether you are available every week or on specific days of your choice.
  • Indicate the Duration and the Break Time (minutes) between services. When you input time slots, the system automatically factors in the breaks, spreading your service time across pre-defined slots (like 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.). These slots will be displayed in Public Mode, indicating the days and times you are open for scheduling.
  • You can either activate Same Slot All Days or set Week Day Slots. The Same Slot All Days allows you to use a consistent time slot for every day, including weekends. Week Day Slots refers to each weekday, and you can also include some weekends in your availability per need.
  • When you choose the Same Slot All Days option, you opt into the Slots required field, where you can set slots for your business hours based on the duration of your service and the break time you configure. These slots divide your service time, including breaks, into specific time intervals.

7. Linked Products are items that are recommended or associated with each other based on their relevance. They are often purchased together or complement each other. These suggestions aim to encourage customers to explore related products, increasing the chances of cross-selling and enhancing the shopping experience. The Linked Products fields include:

  • Cross-selling Products - refers to recommending products that enhance the current selection, encouraging customers to make additional purchases.
  • Upselling Products - involves recommending higher-end or upgraded versions of the selected product to get customers to choose premium options.
  • Related Products - displays the products that are closely related to or relevant to the selected product.
  • Tick Show selected products as related if you want your appointment product to be displayed as a suggestion item for the products selected as cross-selling, upselling, and related products.

8. Provide the information requested in the SEO section:

  • Indicate the page title and meta description.
  • Modify the auto-generated URL alias, if necessary.
  • Tick the Create a URL redirect checkbox to make the product page available under the updated URL. 
    Note: If you untick the Create a URL redirect checkbox, customers will be directed to the 404 page.
  • Activate the Include in Sitemap toggle if you want the product page to be added to your sitemap.
  • Select Robots Tag from the respective drop-down list to control how search engines index the product page by search engines and follow the links on them.
  • Add a social media image of your product that will be displayed when you share a link to your product page on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others.
    To do so:
    • Click + Upload and select the corresponding image from the computer.
    • Click the settings icon on the image, enter the image title, description, and ALT name in the popup that opens, then click Save.
      Note: If no image is uploaded, the product or category main image will be applied by default.

9. Click Save.

If your website is available in multiple languages, select the corresponding language from the language drop-down list (Settings > Languages) and enter product-related information in the selected language.

Setting the Appointment Product Status

To set the product status, select the corresponding status from the right-side drop-down list.

The following options are available:

  • Draft - the product is not visible to the customers.
  • Active - the product is visible to the customers.

Duplicating the Appointment Product

You can duplicate the created product if you want to create a new appointment product based on the existing one. To do so, click Duplicate on the right side of the corresponding product page or select the product from the list, click the Dotted Menu, and select Duplicate.

Note: You can indicate whether the customer can purchase the product as a guest or registered user (see Settings > Checkouts).

Once you have created an appointment product, you need to add and configure its relevant widgets in the Visual Editor > Page > Ecommerce > Appointment Product to display the product on your website (see General Widgets, Product Common Widgets, and Appointment Product Widgets).

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